New level, New challenge


So here I am again yeay!

Now getting to my unreadable story. Well I'm currently in form 4 which is the menengah atas so the subjects are a bit harder and yeah, there're more subjects of course. So this is the first challenge.

The second one is.....
To face the teachers whom you don't really like the way they're teaching.

"Who are you to judge the teachers? They have wider knowledge, more experiences, higher level of studies and who are YOU?"

You ask me that, I slap you.

As long as they're teaching me, I'm the one who's facing them, listening to every blabber they'd make so don't ever ask me why I judge my own teachers.

Yes, they may be super mega smart but that doesn't mean they're smart at spreading the words or making us understand on what we have never seen and never known or understanding our situations, problems and worries.

Being smart on its own and being smart in delivering knowledge are two different things. Really.

Idk if you get it but I think my close friends understand me so well regarding this.

So... the only thing I can say to myself is

*inhales, deeply*
