Multiple titles

This is a post with many titles. 
since I have many stories to tell, so I make them all in one ;)

Mamak majuuuuuuu~
Last night, my family and I had our dinner at Maulana Serdang. We sat dekat the new room with air-cond kat atas tu yg lawa gilew tak mcm mamak tu. Semua nak mencuba punya pasal. At first tu felt weird jugak kenapa takramai dlm tu, kat luar dah penuh. And after eating dah paid semua baru tau, the price dalam tu higher =_=
Tapi seriously, lawa gilew lah Maulana tuuuuu. Tangga dia pergh! Sampai nak terjatuh aku. The waiter, aka mamak tu mmg tak mcm mamak. Speaking BI dh mcm kat hotel. Pastu sembang2 watlek pulak tuh. Memang semart habis lah the new Maulana ni. :DD

At the Maulana tu ada WiFi. Well, almost semua kedai ada WiFi nowadays. So, dapat lah starcall yg lepas2 drpd Boyfriend. I guess, dia mcm.... kalau kita lost connection, the calls come in after connection tu ada balik. Dah habis satu, satu dapat lagi. Ayah smpi dah hafal music Paradise(my ringtone. :DD) yg tym awal2 tu. lol XD

Starcall mmg daebak. Infinite should be in!!!! Nak tgok muka Myungsoo call I. Hihih mesti comel mcm tepung :3
Eh bukan tepung serbuk lah. tepung dh bancuh yg mcm doh tu. Hihih yg toingtoing tu. :>

For the sake of L :3
As you know lah kan, am dietting. I've failed for millions of times before and this time I'm going to be serious. And now I have something utk naikkan semangat diet. Everytime I feel like eating benda2 yg pantang tu, I'll think, "demi L, demi L!" LOLOLOL.
K funny and stupid. But that's the only way to make me stop breaking my diet rules.

Tapitapitapi, kawan2 sekolahku, jangan expect aku dah kurus bukak sekolah nanti. LOL
Takdelah, just ckp mcm ni cuz dh ada some friends challenge me to see me slim/kurus tym bukak sekolah nanti. Memang tak ah. --'

No, not jogging. We walked. Tapi walked yg mcm... alaaaahhhhhh yg mcm catwalk tapi version laju tu. I did that kind of jog sbb takramai org tym tu. So, takde lah malu sgt Hihihhh.


This morning, me, together with my sis and  my father, went to a park kat Bukit Jalil. Bukit Komonwel, kot(?) nama dia. Tah lah. Tapi best lah jogged kat situ hihih. Esok nak lagiiiii :D

Actually tadi tu first tym pergi situ cuz sebelum ni lalu je takpernah pergi. But yesterday rasa mcm nak jogging kat situ, so we pergi je lah. Dia ada mcm mainan mcm kat gym tapi versi taman punya. Macam... permainan dia mcm kat gym, tapi besi2 dia mcm kat taman tu. Haaa mcm tu lah :>
I recently changed my Twitter's username. Just mentioning ^^

I'm done(phew). Hihih :>

Assalamualaikum :)
Send my regards to your family^^
