Allah always shows me something!


Before I go further to the topic, I'd explain the reason why am using English here. Kays. I have international followers which I say my friends, actually. And I use Manglish(Malay+English) to show that I'm still proud of my own language. I don't neglect it. Hihi :>
Clear enuff? ;)

K. to the topic.
Lately... oh no, not lately. I've been like this for years. Eh? No, since last year. I've always been so hopeless that I'm lacking of self-confidence. I used to compare myself with other people and after solat, I always tell those thoughts to Allah. Everything. He must be the first one to know everything, even though I get the fact that He knows everything without me telling Him anything but He's the only one who'll listen well. :')

K. I always tell Allah how I'm sad to be myself and then I'll istighfar for being.. kufur, like not grateful of what I have, of what He's given me.

Last time,
I told Allah how I'm sad to have a chubby body, uncute/unpretty face, short and EVEERYYYYTHINGGGGG about my look and appearance. I told Allah how sad I am when someone once said this to me, "you love Kpop guys but y'know.. they're handsome. And you?" And the person let out a small chuckle, following her sarcastic words. Oh deeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrr, would you imagine my feeling at that time? Hope you would. :'|
And the next day, I heard a lecture from.... me forget who --'
K the lecturer said:
"Kita kena bersyukur dengan apa yang kita ada. Tengok zaman sekarang ni ha. Asal tak lawa sikit dah mula buat pembedahan plastik segala padahal bukannya rosak teruk pun. Nak lawa punya pasal terbang seribu. Nak kurus, hilang 2000, nak jadi model pulak hah keluar pulak beribu-ribu. Pastu dosa pun dah tak terkira."
"Buat apa nak lawa2 sangat kalau aurat tak tutup?"
"Yang aurat tutup kat depan saya ni, dah cukup lawa dah. Allah pun suka."
"Kita kena bersyukur dengan apa yang ada. At least yg depan saya ni lengkap semua- mata, hidung, mulut. Semua, alhamdulillah. Functional lagi. Alhamdulillah! Saya dulu, kasi ceramah kat orang bisu ke apa2 ke, sedih rasa taw. Tapi bila kita lihat org mcm tu, baru kita sedar betapa besarnya nikmat yang Allah dah bagi kat kita, yg kita kufur-kan jugak ni."

I was.... touched. :']
I should be thankful to Allah that I can talk and speak, hear and listen, see and watch, touch and feel, walk and run, write and draw, smell and taste, read and remember etc.
I may not be pretty to people but.... I know, if I be what He wants, I'll look pretty to Him. :) 

K. the next one is..
I once felt so lonely that I have no one by my side, like no one understands me. Everyone has their besties while I'm left alone. And to me, telling my problem to my parents ain't the solution 'cuz... I can't tell. I don't know, it's unreasonable but... it's true. To me. Just me.
And then... the next day,
I watched a video on Youtube, saying that Allah is always by our side. We don't see but we can feel His existence. 'Cuz if Allah's not exist, then we won't. LOL. Funny fact yet true.
People die, Allah won't. People may be deaf or act to be so, but Allah won't. People may not understand us, but Allah does.

And, I was touched once again.

The other one...
I felt guilty for being crazy over lagha but then, I thought that I don't do anything wrong, so it's not wrong to be in these lagha thingy.
And the next day, someone said that those lagha are the reason why we'd be so forgetful.

So, I got my solution again.

I told Allah everything on one night and the next following day, he surely tells me the answers for everything I ask. K I don't tell you what I've ever asked from Him and I won't. Hihih :>

Allah is... I don't know what word could describe how thankful I am to Him.

And the newest:
I'm sad again... over my fashion sense.
Someone called me lame. But, I strengthen myself and keep in my head - as long as I'm not lame in Islam then it's okay
Somehow, I asked this 'somebody' for opinions on this. I mean, I asked her about my fashion sense and told her that somebody just told me that I'm lame then.... she nodded and agreed.
I was sad indeed. Who won't? You're called lame by someone close to you! Who ever won't feel like I feel? No one, 'aite?
So, I told Allah, almost crying, how sad I was....
and tonight, someone shared this:

After watching this, I motivated myself that fashion ain't that important. As long as we're lookable, I mean as long as people won't puke when they see us, it's okay enough.
The most important thing is: Aurat.
Make us lookable to Allah then everything's settled. ;)


Sorry for posting such a boring post.
I.. I just wanna share this, to show that we need to be thankful of who we are.
And, keep praying and asking from Allah. We have no one else to ask from.
Ustaz Jamal once said,
"Kalau awak nak apa-apa, doa je kat Allah. Doa dgn penuh harapan. Inshaallah termakbul punyaa."
but then he continued,
"tapi jangan doa mintak benda yang haram ! *laugh*"
So, the point is... just pray to Allah. Okaaaay? :)

You! Yes, you! Don't be like me! Be thankful of what you already have, okay? :D

Sorry again for a boring post. I hope those who understand my point will get rewarded, inshaallah.

Last words:
I love you, Allah :D
