So-Holiday Part IDK
I mean, alhamdulillah :D
But it's nowhere far though, Port Dickson jeww.
Still, alhamdulillah jugak :D
Went there yesterday, came back here today. CAME. CAME. Am at my house, okay. *just telling. nanti ada jugak yg igt aku kat sana mandi laut lagik
Oh btw, I didn't go into the laut. 'Cuz the seawater kat PD is.... muddy. Hate it like 'eww' =_=
uhmm... just wanna share some stories yg.. tak important pun but UHHHHHHHH annoying and some of them AWWWWW memorable . K why am I like this? -.-
1) Unnecessary exercise
Genre : Annoying
Rates : 0.01
We had our zzzzzzzzzzz, I mean sleep, at Tiara Beach Resort. Have you heard bout it? Yes? Yeay! No? Google! Lazy? Up to you, babeh. Oh btw, talkin bout "up to you, babeh", can you imagine a father says that? Ho yeah. Try imagining it! Am not imagining, I've heard it in reality. It's my father. Hihi. That's a joke for sure. My father heard Ustaz Zamri said that uptoyoubabeh on TV9 when he, Ustaz Zamri was giving ceramah aka talk to teenagers. And... my father laughed so hard after he heard that. And now, he keeps, no, just kept. He doesn't say that currently. He kept saying that up2youbabeh. Of course we(me, kak uda, abg n mak and kakak jugak, kalau kakak dgr :D) LOL-ed so hard. SUMPAH LAWAKKKKK. Yes, told ya. He was joking. (:
K. Back to the lttle topic, the exercise was.... USING STAIRS TO THE 5TH FLOOR. Crazy? Sure it was and is. =________= Kesian mak~ Hihihih
It was all because of thatgedik lift which was.. under maintenance. BTW, after dah naik tu, ayah found another lift. Hihih. Alhamdulillah. Gilo ko apo nak naik tangga smpi 5 tingkat -.-
He y'know what? I'd gone 10 floors by stairs! Hihih. That was when I was in Standard 4, tak chubbycomelgebutembammontel mcm sekarang. =='
2) Windy.
Genre : Annoying, kind of but a bit memorable.
Rates : 2.3/5. (I would fail my Maths if I write like this in exams. LOL)
It's been so windy lately. So is Port Dickson! Kat sana pulak dpt bayu laut tu kan. Mmg.. pergh! Best. Kays. That seems memorable.
However, if you almost get.... I don't know what word could resemble this.*Target: Widen vocabs!
What if the wind pushes the car door when you're standing by the car while your body is inside the car to take something under the car seats? Would you label that as memorable? -.- That's what the wind gave me. Kalau tersepit lah kan, pergh. Pinggang pulak tu. Elok2 kak uda baru habis operate belakang , aku pulak kena. Memang baguih. Tapi alhamdulillah lah. Tym pintu hampir tertutup tu, I quickly sepak the door. Hihih. Thanks to myshort leg and the creator, Allah :)
3) Hat.
Genre : Memorable and keep-able.
Rates : 5/5
Or... do we have a name for a hat like this?
K. That kind of hat lah. But the one that we(?) I mean my Mom bought got ribbons and... pretty^^
But y'know what, I was like a patung tym kat kedai tu. All kinds of hats yg Mak nak try, Mak put them on my head =_=
Why did your Mom buy that kind of hat? Did she even need it?
Sure she needed it. That's why she bought it. Mak saya puteri lilin. Eh tak. Dah naik taraf permaisuri lilin :3
Mak saya taktahan panas. Cute kan? Hihih. Mak saya mmg lah cute. Tengoklah anak bongsu dia :P *joe-kayng~
4) Tandem bike ride
Genre : Memorable, Fun
Rates : 5/5
Hmm. This morning, before I went into the swimming pool(I haven't mentioned that I swam blabla in this post but am telling you, I won't let go of any chance on swimming when there's a swimming pool), I rode a tandem bike with my cruel bro. Yes, cruel. Dia suka buli adik dia yg bongsu ni yg baik tahap gaban ni. tsktsktsk.
The ride was so funnnnnnnnnn. 30 minutes cycling the bike, non-stop! But, I sat at the back. Not so hard lah. Yg depan lah payah nak control segala bagai. Si budak jahat tu kan, dia bawak kan.. asal ada bumper je dia bawak laju gila, pastu dh smpi bumper, dia mcm diri pastu mcm kasi bump hebak2 punya. Sakit doh yg dok belakang ni. Kena ikut je semua =_= Dah lah kayuh laju gila. I couldn't pick up the speed tau tak -.- Tapi.. best! Hahahhahahaa. Kutuk punya kutuk last2 puji gak. Actually those benda2 yg dia buat tu mmg fun! Hihih. *thumbs up
5) The cancelled awaited visit.
Genre : Not annoying, it's sad.
Rates : 0/5
It wasn't a visit to my house or whatevahhhh, but a visit by me or I can say my family.
At PD tu, I kept texting Bielon. Saja2. Dia kan dok Seremban kan kan. Pastu kan kan, Nanie ingat nak gi rumah dia today. Tapi parents kata PD ngn Seremban jauh. So, takjadi lah. Huaaaa. Nak jumpa Bielon! Mana tau muka dia mcm belon. Nama dah dekat :P
K Bielon tu her name that I gave to her. Comel kan? Hihih. Sesuai lah dgn tuan punya nama tu. Comel sgt! When she called me last night, kita mcm AHHHHH COMELNYA SUARA BIELONNNNNNN! Macam belon! Haha. jokejoke. Belon mana ada suara XD
But yeah. That's it. I couldn't meet her while the chance was just in front of me. Sad. Disappointed. All mixed.
6) Durian at night.
Genre : Memorable.
Rates : 5/5
Yesterday, after my family and I had our dinner, we ate durian at a stall near by the resort. Mmg near sangat sangat. Best! And tym makan tu kan kan, angin kuat sgt. Kedai tu tepi jalan taw. Pastu tepi tu ada pokok kelapa and... pokok apa tah yg daun kecik halus mcm kat tepi pantai tu. Haaa yg tu, pastu.. my bro and I went crazy nyanyi lagu hindustan lah, titanic lah. LOLOLOL. "Tom! tom! tom!" - a Hindustan song.. alaa yg... apa nama perempuan tu? Karina Kapoor eh? Tah, kak uda lah cakap. LOL. Pastu mmg lawak lah. And thennn makan durian sebijik je, tu pun yg melantak were just me, ayah and kak uda. :))
And the last story is........................................................
OR SAY....................
OR EVEN...............
'Cuz I just can't :3
The last story goes with the title :
7) Woohyun Malay Ver.
Genre: Memorable. Super duper memorable. :P
Rates : 6/5 (Would I fail my Maths with this? :P Hah! Maths got this thing too, right? It's called improper fraction. Hihih. Study lah sikit2 :P)
This one is a bit off. Bhahahahahhahahahahahahahahaa. Above stories semua mcm logik2 je. Yg ni.. alahai~ Haha. K stop laughing or nanti byk sgt syaitan lahir kat mulut hang.
Stop right here if you're sick enough to see this word:
Woohyun is a member of Infinite. It's Nam Woohyun or we call him Namu or Namstar or I always call him Woo the failed-bunny. lol
When I was at the swimming pool, playing with the water, I saw this malay boy(?) jap boy ke? Tah. He looks like in his 19 or 20. Paling tua pun... 21.
Wait wait. Before you say I'm perverted or something, I'm tellin you, I saw him 'cuz before I swam, I would look around me to see if there were people around since I can't open my eyes in water and even kalau after kepala masuk air tu, kalau tak lap mata dulu pun tak boleh bukak. So, when I was looking around, I saw him with his family, playing bola tampar. He's tall. Looks like Woohyun. That's it. I didn't fall for him or whatsoever, if you think so. LOL. Just saw him then mcm.... NAMUUUUUUUUU! But he's a lil' bit more cengkung, eh ke cekung? cengkung ke cekung ek? K whatever lah. Tapi yg cekung cengkung tu lah. And he's a lil'bit darker than Namu. Just bit. Kira cerah jgak lah muka dia tu. Baru turun lah tuuu. Dok PD kalau tak burn mmg tak sah
But I didn't see him at first. Actually, I was looking at one of her family member, a girl. Sbb dia mcm.... entah. Tak ingat sbb apa. Mula2 nampak dia, pastu dia campak bola, saja lah tengok dia campak ke mana, then nampaklah si failed-bunny versi melayu tu.
But I don't know if it was just me since I am tooooooooooooooooooo biased with Infinite that all I see is Infinite, even a Malay guy pun I see like a member of Infinite. Just don't know. But from what I saw, that's it. Hihihih.
If ever I find someone looks like L..... I can't imagine how my reaction will be. LOL XD
I mean, alhamdulillah :D
But it's nowhere far though, Port Dickson jeww.
Still, alhamdulillah jugak :D
Went there yesterday, came back here today. CAME. CAME. Am at my house, okay. *just telling. nanti ada jugak yg igt aku kat sana mandi laut lagik
Oh btw, I didn't go into the laut. 'Cuz the seawater kat PD is.... muddy. Hate it like 'eww' =_=
uhmm... just wanna share some stories yg.. tak important pun but UHHHHHHHH annoying and some of them AWWWWW memorable . K why am I like this? -.-
1) Unnecessary exercise
Genre : Annoying
Rates : 0.01
We had our zzzzzzzzzzz, I mean sleep, at Tiara Beach Resort. Have you heard bout it? Yes? Yeay! No? Google! Lazy? Up to you, babeh. Oh btw, talkin bout "up to you, babeh", can you imagine a father says that? Ho yeah. Try imagining it! Am not imagining, I've heard it in reality. It's my father. Hihi. That's a joke for sure. My father heard Ustaz Zamri said that uptoyoubabeh on TV9 when he, Ustaz Zamri was giving ceramah aka talk to teenagers. And... my father laughed so hard after he heard that. And now, he keeps, no, just kept. He doesn't say that currently. He kept saying that up2youbabeh. Of course we(me, kak uda, abg n mak and kakak jugak, kalau kakak dgr :D) LOL-ed so hard. SUMPAH LAWAKKKKK. Yes, told ya. He was joking. (:
K. Back to the lttle topic, the exercise was.... USING STAIRS TO THE 5TH FLOOR. Crazy? Sure it was and is. =________= Kesian mak~ Hihihih
It was all because of that
He y'know what? I'd gone 10 floors by stairs! Hihih. That was when I was in Standard 4, tak chubby
2) Windy.
Genre : Annoying, kind of but a bit memorable.
Rates : 2.3/5. (I would fail my Maths if I write like this in exams. LOL)
It's been so windy lately. So is Port Dickson! Kat sana pulak dpt bayu laut tu kan. Mmg.. pergh! Best. Kays. That seems memorable.
However, if you almost get.... I don't know what word could resemble this.*Target: Widen vocabs!
What if the wind pushes the car door when you're standing by the car while your body is inside the car to take something under the car seats? Would you label that as memorable? -.- That's what the wind gave me. Kalau tersepit lah kan, pergh. Pinggang pulak tu. Elok2 kak uda baru habis operate belakang , aku pulak kena. Memang baguih. Tapi alhamdulillah lah. Tym pintu hampir tertutup tu, I quickly sepak the door. Hihih. Thanks to my
3) Hat.
Genre : Memorable and keep-able.
Rates : 5/5
Or... do we have a name for a hat like this?
K. That kind of hat lah. But the one that we(?) I mean my Mom bought got ribbons and... pretty^^
But y'know what, I was like a patung tym kat kedai tu. All kinds of hats yg Mak nak try, Mak put them on my head =_=
Why did your Mom buy that kind of hat? Did she even need it?
Sure she needed it. That's why she bought it. Mak saya puteri lilin. Eh tak. Dah naik taraf permaisuri lilin :3
Mak saya taktahan panas. Cute kan? Hihih. Mak saya mmg lah cute. Tengoklah anak bongsu dia :P *joe-kayng~
4) Tandem bike ride
Genre : Memorable, Fun
Rates : 5/5
Hmm. This morning, before I went into the swimming pool(I haven't mentioned that I swam blabla in this post but am telling you, I won't let go of any chance on swimming when there's a swimming pool), I rode a tandem bike with my cruel bro. Yes, cruel. Dia suka buli adik dia yg bongsu ni yg baik tahap gaban ni. tsktsktsk.
The ride was so funnnnnnnnnn. 30 minutes cycling the bike, non-stop! But, I sat at the back. Not so hard lah. Yg depan lah payah nak control segala bagai. Si budak jahat tu kan, dia bawak kan.. asal ada bumper je dia bawak laju gila, pastu dh smpi bumper, dia mcm diri pastu mcm kasi bump hebak2 punya. Sakit doh yg dok belakang ni. Kena ikut je semua =_= Dah lah kayuh laju gila. I couldn't pick up the speed tau tak -.- Tapi.. best! Hahahhahahaa. Kutuk punya kutuk last2 puji gak. Actually those benda2 yg dia buat tu mmg fun! Hihih. *thumbs up
5) The cancelled awaited visit.
Genre : Not annoying, it's sad.
Rates : 0/5
It wasn't a visit to my house or whatevahhhh, but a visit by me or I can say my family.
At PD tu, I kept texting Bielon. Saja2. Dia kan dok Seremban kan kan. Pastu kan kan, Nanie ingat nak gi rumah dia today. Tapi parents kata PD ngn Seremban jauh. So, takjadi lah. Huaaaa. Nak jumpa Bielon! Mana tau muka dia mcm belon. Nama dah dekat :P
K Bielon tu her name that I gave to her. Comel kan? Hihih. Sesuai lah dgn tuan punya nama tu. Comel sgt! When she called me last night, kita mcm AHHHHH COMELNYA SUARA BIELONNNNNNN! Macam belon! Haha. jokejoke. Belon mana ada suara XD
But yeah. That's it. I couldn't meet her while the chance was just in front of me. Sad. Disappointed. All mixed.
6) Durian at night.
Genre : Memorable.
Rates : 5/5
Yesterday, after my family and I had our dinner, we ate durian at a stall near by the resort. Mmg near sangat sangat. Best! And tym makan tu kan kan, angin kuat sgt. Kedai tu tepi jalan taw. Pastu tepi tu ada pokok kelapa and... pokok apa tah yg daun kecik halus mcm kat tepi pantai tu. Haaa yg tu, pastu.. my bro and I went crazy nyanyi lagu hindustan lah, titanic lah. LOLOLOL. "Tom! tom! tom!" - a Hindustan song.. alaa yg... apa nama perempuan tu? Karina Kapoor eh? Tah, kak uda lah cakap. LOL. Pastu mmg lawak lah. And thennn makan durian sebijik je, tu pun yg melantak were just me, ayah and kak uda. :))
And the last story is........................................................
OR SAY....................
OR EVEN...............
'Cuz I just can't :3
The last story goes with the title :
7) Woohyun Malay Ver.
Genre: Memorable. Super duper memorable. :P
Rates : 6/5 (Would I fail my Maths with this? :P Hah! Maths got this thing too, right? It's called improper fraction. Hihih. Study lah sikit2 :P)
This one is a bit off. Bhahahahahhahahahahahahahahaa. Above stories semua mcm logik2 je. Yg ni.. alahai~ Haha. K stop laughing or nanti byk sgt syaitan lahir kat mulut hang.
Stop right here if you're sick enough to see this word:
Byebye, peeps who've just left. Thanks for reading up till here ^^
*read this before you leave . please. please. *laughing*
Woohyun is a member of Infinite. It's Nam Woohyun or we call him Namu or Namstar or I always call him Woo the failed-bunny. lol
When I was at the swimming pool, playing with the water, I saw this malay boy(?) jap boy ke? Tah. He looks like in his 19 or 20. Paling tua pun... 21.
Wait wait. Before you say I'm perverted or something, I'm tellin you, I saw him 'cuz before I swam, I would look around me to see if there were people around since I can't open my eyes in water and even kalau after kepala masuk air tu, kalau tak lap mata dulu pun tak boleh bukak. So, when I was looking around, I saw him with his family, playing bola tampar. He's tall. Looks like Woohyun. That's it. I didn't fall for him or whatsoever, if you think so. LOL. Just saw him then mcm.... NAMUUUUUUUUU! But he's a lil' bit more cengkung, eh ke cekung? cengkung ke cekung ek? K whatever lah. Tapi yg cekung cengkung tu lah. And he's a lil'bit darker than Namu. Just bit. Kira cerah jgak lah muka dia tu. Baru turun lah tuuu. Dok PD kalau tak burn mmg tak sah
But I didn't see him at first. Actually, I was looking at one of her family member, a girl. Sbb dia mcm.... entah. Tak ingat sbb apa. Mula2 nampak dia, pastu dia campak bola, saja lah tengok dia campak ke mana, then nampaklah si failed-bunny versi melayu tu.
But I don't know if it was just me since I am tooooooooooooooooooo biased with Infinite that all I see is Infinite, even a Malay guy pun I see like a member of Infinite. Just don't know. But from what I saw, that's it. Hihihih.
If ever I find someone looks like L..... I can't imagine how my reaction will be. LOL XD
Khalas. The End.
Sekian, assalamualaikum. :)