Sharing is daring
Sharing things:
p/s: If you'd like to open a link or an image in a new tab, click and hold it, then drag it to a new tab. Easy! ^^
1) Fanfic - Black Eyes
A mysterical story. I love it and feel like sharing it. So yeah. Here, am doin' it :)
2) Songs - Aj Rafael's
I currently love this pinoy guy. His voice is loveable. I don't how to describe any more. Just listen to his voice by yourself. Here, his songs:
- Here All Alone
- Red Roses
- She Was Mine
- Emma Watson
- We Could Happen
- 500 Days
- When We Say
- Without You
- Starlit Nights
Don't hit me if you disagree with me about his voice which I say nice and loveable. I'm just sharing my opinion. He's my fav. So, I just feel like sharing these songs of him. If you don't like his songs or even his voice, it's all up to you. I don't ask you to like him as well. LOL :)
3) The feeling - unreadable.
I don't know why but these days, I just keep being afraid of doing anything. It feels like something ain't right. My heart keeps saying that. I don't know why. This feeling is too weird to be resisted. I hate it. But I guess this is just a test from Allah. So, I need to face it however and closer myself to Allah. I'm sure that's what He actually wants and asks for. 'Aite?
4) A news - Love is sweet when it's pure from the heart with Allah in between.
It's my own quote, stands for the title for this news I'm sharing.
There was this boy, 6 years old, in Flo Rida, who dared to get bitten by a dog so badly just to save his younger brother, 4 years old, from getting bitten by the same dog. I almost cried after reading the news. Would you do something like that to save your brother or sister? I might say no. I really admire his courage.
Source :
What about me and Cu'a?
Does that timbulkan fitnah? Does it? Does it?! :O
Guiseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee school is starting soon! I haven't fully-prepared! Ahhhh. Tak jahit lencana lagi, tak beli kasut sekolah lagi. And macam2 lagi. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
Oh however, is it crazy for me to say that I'm excited to start schooling? I think school is better than this boring holiday. Studies? Allah asks to do so, rite? So, just keep the faith jyeahhh. Oh wait this is my first time saying 'jyeah'. *lawls
And... I know I have no right to say this but dear close friends of mine, stop couple-ing, pretty please? It's sinful. You know it. It's nearing yourself to berzina. Mmg lah tak zina badan, tapi zina hati, eyes, telinga even hidung pun! It just hurts my eyes to see my dear friends being lied by themselves, thinking that 'love' they're having is true. Yes, it maybe is. True love really exists though, but not at this age. Maybe you would say it's fate, I don't know anything "blwekkk" but seriously, from what I've seen so far, 'loves' at high school age don't last yet the sin does. So, you love your sins heh? Heh? If you say you can repent in a blink of an eye since Allah is Al-'Afwu, what if... you can't make it? I mean like you die before you could repent. Haa kan dah susah.
Well, I'm just reminding as a friend. I love y'guys. And I think it's not love if I just keep quiet and watch like nothing happens. I love you, I wish to see you in jannah, or at least our friendship lasts till there. I really wish so. Say ameen! Cepat! Say ameen! Haaa mcm tu. Ameen~ :)
p/s: If you'd like to open a link or an image in a new tab, click and hold it, then drag it to a new tab. Easy! ^^
1) Fanfic - Black Eyes
A mysterical story. I love it and feel like sharing it. So yeah. Here, am doin' it :)
2) Songs - Aj Rafael's
I currently love this pinoy guy. His voice is loveable. I don't how to describe any more. Just listen to his voice by yourself. Here, his songs:
- Here All Alone
- Red Roses
- She Was Mine
- Emma Watson
- We Could Happen
- 500 Days
- When We Say
- Without You
- Starlit Nights
Don't hit me if you disagree with me about his voice which I say nice and loveable. I'm just sharing my opinion. He's my fav. So, I just feel like sharing these songs of him. If you don't like his songs or even his voice, it's all up to you. I don't ask you to like him as well. LOL :)
3) The feeling - unreadable.
I don't know why but these days, I just keep being afraid of doing anything. It feels like something ain't right. My heart keeps saying that. I don't know why. This feeling is too weird to be resisted. I hate it. But I guess this is just a test from Allah. So, I need to face it however and closer myself to Allah. I'm sure that's what He actually wants and asks for. 'Aite?
4) A news - Love is sweet when it's pure from the heart with Allah in between.
It's my own quote, stands for the title for this news I'm sharing.
There was this boy, 6 years old, in Flo Rida, who dared to get bitten by a dog so badly just to save his younger brother, 4 years old, from getting bitten by the same dog. I almost cried after reading the news. Would you do something like that to save your brother or sister? I might say no. I really admire his courage.
5) Hukum - Hukum meletakkan status 'in a relationship with.." on fb or Twitter etc.
"seorang wanita yg berani meletakkan in a relationship with kekasih bukan mahramnya itu...ia sedikit sebanyak telah hilang sifat malu dan segan dalam dirinya sebagai seorang muslimah...kerana ia seolah-olah seperti memberitahu kepada umum bahawa dia sekarang sedang bergelumang, bergomol dan bercouple dgn kekasihnya...seperti istiharkan kemaksiatan...tahukah anda bahawa meletakkan in a relationship with kekasih bkn mahram boleh menimbulkan fitnah??? dan apabila timbulnya fitnah boleh mendatangkan dosa??? akhir zaman ini ramai manusia yang berbangga dgn maksiat yang dilakukan oleh diri mereka sendiri...
Tahukah anda bahawa,sedangkan dalam pertunangan Nabi SAW sendiri ada mengingatkan kepada kita supaya sebaik-baiknya merahsiakan pertunangan...inikan pula perhubungan couple yang jelas haram...tetapi nak tunjuk juga kepada umum yang diri itu sudah berstatus couple!!!...kalau status pertunangan tak mengapa la juga, tetapi itu pun Nabi s.a.w menyuruh sebaik-baiknya merahsiakan pertunangan sebagaimana Sabda Nabi s.a.w:
“Rahsiakan pertunangan dan iklankan (maklumkan) tentang perkahwinan” (Hadith riwayat Ahmad dari Abdullah bin Zubair Radhiyallahu ‘anhu, dan disahihkan oleh al-Albani di dalam Irwa’ al-Ghalil)
oleh itu janganlah berbangga dgn status in a relationship with kekasih bukan mahram anda itu kerana yang anda akan dapat adalah dosa yang sia-sia sahaja...nak selamat dan elak diri difitnah...halalkan segera perhubungan anda itu supaya tidak berlaku lagi fitnah, dosa dan maksiat..."
Source :
What about me and Cu'a?
Does that timbulkan fitnah? Does it? Does it?! :O
Guiseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee school is starting soon! I haven't fully-prepared! Ahhhh. Tak jahit lencana lagi, tak beli kasut sekolah lagi. And macam2 lagi. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
Oh however, is it crazy for me to say that I'm excited to start schooling? I think school is better than this boring holiday. Studies? Allah asks to do so, rite? So, just keep the faith jyeahhh. Oh wait this is my first time saying 'jyeah'. *lawls
And... I know I have no right to say this but dear close friends of mine, stop couple-ing, pretty please? It's sinful. You know it. It's nearing yourself to berzina. Mmg lah tak zina badan, tapi zina hati, eyes, telinga even hidung pun! It just hurts my eyes to see my dear friends being lied by themselves, thinking that 'love' they're having is true. Yes, it maybe is. True love really exists though, but not at this age. Maybe you would say it's fate, I don't know anything "blwekkk" but seriously, from what I've seen so far, 'loves' at high school age don't last yet the sin does. So, you love your sins heh? Heh? If you say you can repent in a blink of an eye since Allah is Al-'Afwu, what if... you can't make it? I mean like you die before you could repent. Haa kan dah susah.
Well, I'm just reminding as a friend. I love y'guys. And I think it's not love if I just keep quiet and watch like nothing happens. I love you, I wish to see you in jannah, or at least our friendship lasts till there. I really wish so. Say ameen! Cepat! Say ameen! Haaa mcm tu. Ameen~ :)
I am done. Hihi
I love you.
Assalamualaikum :)