Day Seven : 10 Important People
Seventh Day: 10 Important People
So, TataTitiTutuLOVEYOU !
- Parents ♥
- Family ♥
- Friends, and even frenemies
- Beast aka B2ST, lol - Dujun, Hyunseung, Junhyung, Yoseob, Gikwang, and Dongwoon! ^^
- Other KPOP artists.
- Agong and Prime Minister of Malaysia ^^, and other Ministers too .
- Polis, Tentera, esp pahlawan zaman dulu kala, Bomba, and segala2 tuh.
- Teaaaaaaaachers. :)
- Mark Zuckerberg. BHAHAHAHA
- Myself . Haha =D
Sweeeet friends indeed~ Aww ♥ K Bye-yeom! ^^ Assalamualaikum ~ |
So, TataTitiTutuLOVEYOU !
Nanie ♥