
Lalalaa~ I'll be sitting an xm this Wed, yet I'm reading bunch of novels all day long.

I'm not saying that I don't care 'bout exams or have an 100% expectations on scoring the best. HAH! Exactly a NO -.-"
But, I don't have any sense in studying. Well, I studied Science and tiba2 ternampak novel Nota Adania  atas meja, rasa nak baca pulaa.

Ni lah menyampah bila suka baca novel. Tergugat niat belajar =,=
And hari ni, I spent almost whole day by reading. Yes, NOVEL. BI la wehh , BI aku teruk ya robbi. Kena banyak membaca laaaaa.

The title issss 
"Petal Pushers: Too Many Blossoms"
 Yg ni, first series, ada 2nd and 3rd sebenarnya. but yg 3rd tu takmasuk Malaysia lagii.

MAAANNNN!!!  Aku dah mula suka membaca. Gilo wehh. 
And actually, it all started from reading fanfictions tu. I feel grateful to somehow :/ HAHA

BTW, for the exam, GOOD LUCK SEMUAAA :)
Kepada yg membaca ni, itupun kalau ada laaa. Well, I bet no one read this. So, takpe. I'll just doa sendiri2 :)

May I answer the paaaapers easily and got super-doopa-bombasst marks, I mean straight A's. LOL!
I know it should be 'get', but 'got' there sounds better. LOL XD

So, TataTitiTutuLOVEYOU !
